Saturday, October 27, 2007

Tacos: The Cure for Everything...Literally Everything!

I am still alive...replying to Mademoiselle...

Anywho, a lot has happend. I did not get the baby-sitting job after all, which sucks, but I got this great job as an elementary school tutor. I am excited. School and social life are great, if that consists of devoting all your time to studying and going out of your way to do things for others...if that is the definition...then yes, my school and social life kicks @$$!

No...not really. I am overwhelmed by the way I have been spreading myself thin lately. I am still going through the emotional roller coaster ride the transition process brings along, while trying to help out others as much as I can.

Yesterday, was a rainy day and I felt so sad. I got on the train and got a view of the "Big City." I began to cry, while water dripped on my shoulder from the tall man hovering beside me. For a split second, I could not believe that I was all alone in such a big city...away from my loved ones...away from my social life....the love of my be this big city...ALONE!

Once the train began to stop, I got a hold of myself and wiped my tears away. I got off the train and began walking along the street. All I could see were the flashes of neon lights blinding me from buildings advertising their services. One read something like: need help, need to know your future...come inside...we have the answer to all the questions you have in mind...I was almost sold, but to be honest, the only cure that I could think of to get rid of this emotional turmoil was Mexican food!

Alone, I entered this nice looking mexican restuarant. I ordered coffee (of course) and two tacos. I saw this couple enter, and to make matters worst, they sat them near by. Ughh! All I could think of was Mac. How much I miss him and love him dearly. He loves me too. We have been speaking lately and we really want to make things work out. I can't wait to see him again...I love the trying to be sexy-looking waitress arrived with my tacos in hand, all I could think of was, definitely not Mac, but: Damn, these tacos look so GOOD!

Friday, October 12, 2007


There is this thing on cyber network that says: "Little Miss is..." and you fill in the blank. It's supposed to function as a way for you to tell people how and/or what you are doing.

I guess you are wondering why I chose my status to be arctic glee, hopefully by the end of reading this post you'll understand why...

When it's cold get your behind inside and grab three sweaters, scarves and wear as many layers as possible!!

The weather here in Big City has completed an 180 degree turn! Just this Monday, I could not stand the heat and humidity, and now, I can't stand this shivering chill! I've heard this is nothing compared to what is coming in a couple of months....tum, tum, TUM!

On the other hand, I just landed a great baby-sitting job! I met 19-month old Moon (not actual name, has an even cuter name). He is so cute and chubby-wubby! He's is so intelligent. I met him and mommy writer today...they are great people. I stayed three hours with them. We went to the park, ate lunch and I danced and played with Moon. I even got 45 bucks out of it, something I was actually not expecting.

However...there is a however. However, she is meeting other baby-sitters. I am not sure that I actually have the job, but mommy writer said that she thinks things will work out for us. Aww...does this mean I am part of the fam-bam? Who knows? I left and Tommy gave me a big hug and kiss. I miss him already!

Anywho, I really think I caught her attention when I said that I enjoyed cooking. I had to leave her with a mark. She said that finance pops said, "Oh, maybe she can make (insert the name of your favorite mexican dish) for us." I will be okay as long as I can call my grandma, she knows how to cook everything...literally, everything. know what they can always bring someone closer to you with a great meal. What the heck...I do know how to cook and I hope that her curiosity leads her to making the right decision.

Anyways, I am cold and happy...that's all...cold and happy:)

Sunday, October 7, 2007

CyBeR wOrLd

My best Mademoisselle somehow managed to use her valuable attorney skills to pursuade me to begin blogging. I just hate that I am checking the blog every day...for more than one time! I know I just got it like two days ago, but why I am I so hooked?

This is what I hate about all these technological stuff. Well let me begin by saying that I am not too technologically savvy, and although blogging does not require that, I feel like I have, yet, another reason to go online.

With all the advances in technology you are literally casted out if you don't have a cell phone, a wifi laptop or belong to some kind of stalking cyber network. I hate it! Whatever happend to calling someone from a payphone with 25 cents? Whatever happend to give me your home address so I can write to you? Gosh darn it!! What happend...?

Friday, October 5, 2007

Everything in a Nutshell

Okay, okay, so things are not that bad. Mac and I spoke a week later. We want to work things out. I love him so much! Everyone I know, that knows about my relationship with Mac, tells me it's not the best idea. But what can I say? I love the guy. I am going back home for Thanksgiving weekend. I am excited because I am going to see Mac and we will be discussing our relationship. So yeah, that's the scoop on us for now. Let me give you some more insight at where I am at, in this particular point in time.

Before I made the move to the Big City, I met Hazel Eyes. Hazel Eyes is an engineer student at a school in upstate Big City. Great sense of humor and great hair too! When I came to Big City University's orientation session, I met him through a friend. I am usually the shy, timid girl hanging around a group of social butterflies, but with Hazel Eyes I made such a great connection that I was everything but silent! I started making him! We laughed together and it was nice. It gave a weird feeling in my stomach. At this time Mac and I had been on a break, so I was really hoping the feeling was the chicken dumplings we had for lunch at Chinatown that afternoon.

I did not see or speak to Hazel Eyes until I finally moved to Big City. He picked my mother and I from the airport. I have been hanging out with his family and him ever since. 3 weeks into the month he confesses he likes me...a lot! I told him the truth about Mac and I. I had to. I could not live with myself if I led this poor boy on. I mean, really. Why should I let him invest in something that will not give him any productivity?

So that's were I am at today. The stresses of transition, school and love all in a nutshell...literally.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Big Move!!

Moving away from home to Big City was difficult. Not only was I having to manage missing my family, but dealing with a broken heart as well. Mac dumped me a day before leaving California. I had to store the pieces of my heart in my suitcase because I was suppose to depart the very next day. For a moment I thought, "I have my whole life ahead of me. I mean Big City University, who would have known?" I left and after two connections and miserable hours waiting to find a vacant room at a local hotel, I cautiously open the briefcase...and wept the night away.