Sunday, October 7, 2007

CyBeR wOrLd

My best Mademoisselle somehow managed to use her valuable attorney skills to pursuade me to begin blogging. I just hate that I am checking the blog every day...for more than one time! I know I just got it like two days ago, but why I am I so hooked?

This is what I hate about all these technological stuff. Well let me begin by saying that I am not too technologically savvy, and although blogging does not require that, I feel like I have, yet, another reason to go online.

With all the advances in technology you are literally casted out if you don't have a cell phone, a wifi laptop or belong to some kind of stalking cyber network. I hate it! Whatever happend to calling someone from a payphone with 25 cents? Whatever happend to give me your home address so I can write to you? Gosh darn it!! What happend...?

1 comment:

Nomadic said...

just put little horns on my head, I am sooo good.