Friday, October 5, 2007

Everything in a Nutshell

Okay, okay, so things are not that bad. Mac and I spoke a week later. We want to work things out. I love him so much! Everyone I know, that knows about my relationship with Mac, tells me it's not the best idea. But what can I say? I love the guy. I am going back home for Thanksgiving weekend. I am excited because I am going to see Mac and we will be discussing our relationship. So yeah, that's the scoop on us for now. Let me give you some more insight at where I am at, in this particular point in time.

Before I made the move to the Big City, I met Hazel Eyes. Hazel Eyes is an engineer student at a school in upstate Big City. Great sense of humor and great hair too! When I came to Big City University's orientation session, I met him through a friend. I am usually the shy, timid girl hanging around a group of social butterflies, but with Hazel Eyes I made such a great connection that I was everything but silent! I started making him! We laughed together and it was nice. It gave a weird feeling in my stomach. At this time Mac and I had been on a break, so I was really hoping the feeling was the chicken dumplings we had for lunch at Chinatown that afternoon.

I did not see or speak to Hazel Eyes until I finally moved to Big City. He picked my mother and I from the airport. I have been hanging out with his family and him ever since. 3 weeks into the month he confesses he likes me...a lot! I told him the truth about Mac and I. I had to. I could not live with myself if I led this poor boy on. I mean, really. Why should I let him invest in something that will not give him any productivity?

So that's were I am at today. The stresses of transition, school and love all in a nutshell...literally.

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